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  • Writer's pictureChristopher

What do I love most about my job?

Oh, let me tell you, being a professional photographer is an absolute blast! One of the things I love most about my craft is photographing people in black and white, especially when using traditional film. It's like a rollercoaster of excitement that gets my adrenaline pumping! Ok, I'm exaggerating a bit!

You see, when I capture those shots, something magical happens. The use of that old-school film adds this amazing grainy texture that takes the whole aesthetic to another level. The result? Boom! Unique and stunning images that will blow your socks off!

And let's not forget about the monochromatic tones and high contrast that come with these black-and-white masterpieces. They bring out the raw emotions and essence of the live band or musician I'm capturing, creating a visual narrative that will leave you speechless.

But you know what's even cooler? This artistic approach doesn't just freeze the moment in time, it transcends it! It brings forth a sense of elegance and authenticity that will make your jaw drop. Every photograph becomes a true reflection of the soul and spirit of the person, turning it into a powerful and evocative piece of art.

Oh, and did I mention how much I love meeting people, learning their stories, and being a part of their lives? It's a true privilege to capture those special moments and create memories that will last a lifetime. So yeah, being a photographer is pretty darn amazing!

Still have any questions? Drop me a message, I’m here to help.



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